Daily Archives: October 16, 2015

Outline for November 16 Writing Class.

Stand Up Writing, Class Outline. paulsveen@shaw.ca

To register for this class send a transfer of 275.00 to paulsveen@shaw.ca

Once your funds are deposited I’ll send you a writing exercise to give you a pre-class work out.

The out line for my Stand Up Class is as follows:

Class 1: Stand up Writing, tagging.

Class 2: Theme, emotion and premise.

Class 3: Framing, inserting material into our theme.

Class 4: The business of Stand Up.

Class 5 Preparing for a performance.


-Just like listening to an MC as a comedian, It’s important to listen to your class mates when they’re on stage, ask yourself why a certain thing they said connected to you, also, how would you share an idea they had if you wrote it (tagging.) This ability challenges you to see ideas from another perspective.

-Always record your set when you’re on stage so you can listen to it during the week. This is also tagging because you can find ways to improve on the idea. And again, listening is another point on the circle besides writing.

-I ask that while you’re in Stand Up Writing that you journal 3 pages every day if you can. Writing a journal and exploring a premise within 3 pages will have a profound effect on your writing .

-It’s important to go over your set every day. 15 minutes is great. 5 if you’re in a rush. Sharpening your saw and rehearsing your set each day, adding tags and editing older ideas as well as giving the people in your set their own voice and perspective gives your set layers.

-I will have your homework on my blog the next day after class. You can see this at: www.paulsveen.com

-Unless the date changes, December 15in Yuk Yuk’s Comedy Club will be the grad night for our class. We’ll be raising money for Highlands Dog Rescue. Tickets are 10$ at the door.

– I’m a nationally touring Comedian. If you’re interested in bringing me or my work shop or my Stand Up to your next event or business, please E mail me at: paulsveen@shaw.ca

– I can be seen on You Tube and Face Book. My Novel “The Angel’s Claw.” Is available through my web site on Book Baby and at Indigo North Town Mall 9450-137 Avenue. I have a book signing October 17 at this location from noon until four PM. If you can make it to the signing I can share more information about the class with you.  If you have any questions about my class, my novel, or booking information, E Mail me please at: paulsveen@shaw.ca