I’m In Awe .

It took 14 years to write my first book ‘The Angel’s Claw.” I had 10 hour days sitting at a computer writing 1 of my 6 drafts. I remember once beginning to write at 8 in the morning and never stopped until 3 AM. If you read my book, I believe I was writing the chapter MINT. That was an amazing day. I remember walking outside, late October, just like the setting in my book.

I was walking outside, it felt like it was about to snow and here I was, living in my parent’s basement, making a few dollars a month as a comedian and I was trying to pound out a book. Who was I kidding? “Why am I doing this?” I asked myself. A voice in  me said: “You’re doing it for me.” I thought I was crazy, exhausted, writing all day, having a mid life crisis. I’m talking to myself, I thought. The voice said: “look up.”

I looked up into a pitch black starless night. There’s nothing there, I thought. “Keep looking” the voice said. Then, as I looked into the dark, I saw a distant faint star, then another and another. The voice in me said: “the more you look for me the more you’ll see me.”

The voice I’m talking about is God, the Universe or what ever you want to call it. I did not write this book myself. There were powers greater then me around me, pushing me the entire time I was writing “The Angel’s Claw.” And now, my book is up on Book Baby, Amazon, I books, Kobo, Kindle and more and I now have people who are reading my book, messaging me, telling me what they think of my book. I’m overwhelmed and in awe of these posts, gobsmacked!

I’m starting my second book tomorrow , it will be finished in 6 months and if I can do it so can you. It’s not a matter of how, just when and the answer is now.


  1. Paul Sveen August 25, 2014 6:02 pm 

    Write a paragraph describing you and your passions the way you wish you could be described. Then list your accomplishments. Insert a recent picture of yourself and contact information.

  2. Paul Sveen August 21, 2014 6:02 am 

    My next writing class begins September 8th in Edmonton. Where are you?

  3. Paul Sveen August 9, 2014 6:26 pm 

    Where should you go to study writing? Get the book “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron, this is a great place to start also read “Story” by Robert Mckee For college, USC, NY University. In Canada, Mcgill, U of A

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