November 16. My next Stand Up writing class.

Everything I share in my Stand Up Writing Class you can apply to your: stand up, public speaking, business, social events and life. The key to my 5 week class is theme! We mine the theme the patterns of your life, your voice, your vein of gold.

Once we begin to locate our themes we then write material from this pattern. We no longer look for the punchline we look for YOU, your theme in the premise. The set we build in my class as well as the lessons build off of your strengths, your theme your vein of gold!

What this achieves is your market brand your Coke! When we locate the stories in your life, the moments that are in your creative DNA, we not only locate who you truly are as well as well as your market brand, in locating your theme, we also locate your confidence, your courage your inspiration and most important, your audience.

In creative matters, voice is everything. It’s what makes us original, dynamic and noticeable. Too often we get lost in the line up everyone else is standing in, everyone chasing the same carrot. I believe each of us should be the creative force that is desired, we’re the carrot, we should be where the line up leads to. Trust your bliss follow it.  My class is where it begins. I hope to see you there.

If you’re interested in being in my next class, E MAIL me at: